martes, diciembre 30, 2014

XXVI World Congress Hydatidology - Bucharest - Romania (1 - 3 october 2015)

World Congress 2015


1-3 October 2015

Phoenicia Grand Hotel

Bucharest – ROMANIA

Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the organizers we are pleased and honoured to welcome you at the XXVIth World Congress on Echinococcosis – Cystic and Alveolar Echinococcosis: Old Diseases – New Challenges which will be held in Bucharest, Romania, during 01-03 of October 2015, in the Conferences Rooms of Phoenicia Grand Hotel. The Congress is organized under the patronage of The International Association of Hydatidology (IAH), the Romanian Association of Hydatidology (RAH), Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest and Colentina Clinical Hospital.
Echinococcosis, thickness transmitted from the dog to man, is very frequent in the World and, as only a part of the number of known cases are declared, we cannot give a correct estimation of the proportions of this infection.
At the same time, we are noticing an alarming increase of Alveolar Echinococcosis cases, transmitted from savage carnivorous and with a more severe evolution compared with Cystic Echinococcosis. That is why, we consider that the development of this scientific event will raise the interest of all well known specialists in the field from all over the World but, also, of our young colleagues which will have the opportunity to learn from the experience of these specialists and, at the same time, will be able to present their work and the most recent results of their research.
The Congress is addressing to both human doctors (parasitologists, infectious diseases specialists, surgeons, epidemiologists, public health, general practitioners and laboratory specialists) and to veterinarians as well as to those involved in the diagnostic of the thickness in human and animal, to pharmacists and last but not the least, to the patients.
The Congress will be carried on in sessions of lectures, oral presentation of papers and debates based on the presented posters, the works being planned to be developed in plenum and, when the case, in sections or in satellite symposiums. The official language of the Congress is English.
During the Congress there will be also organized presentations of laboratory equipment and diagnostic kits, as an exhibition where we invite companies involved in this field to participate and to present their new products.
We are thanking all of you in advance for your presence and for the presentation of high quality papers, which will lead to the success of this Congress, of a remarkable scientific and professional prestige.
Welcome to Bucharest and enjoy your stay,
Carmen-Michaela Cretu
President of the XXVI-th World Congress on Echinococcosis
President of the Romanian Association of Hydatidology (RAH)

miércoles, diciembre 03, 2014

Equipo Rionegrino prueba con éxito la vacuna en ovejas a campo contra la hidatidosis, la primera experiencia de este tipo en el mundo

El Investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN), Edmundo Larrieu, calificó de muy exitosa la prueba en campo en ovejas de la vacuna EG95, creada en Australia, contra la hidatidosis. Se trata de cortar la cadena de transmisión antes de que el parásito llegue al perro y al hombre. Destacó que “somos los únicos que estamos utilizando la vacuna en el mundo”, ya que hasta ahora sólo se habían hecho pruebas de laboratorio, no en el marco de un programa de control en campo, “y Argentina es el único país preparado para fabricarla”.

Larrieu, director del proyecto de investigación, indicó que “la vacuna se denomina EG95 porque se conoce desde 1995; se habían hecho experiencias de laboratorio y ahí ya supimos que la vacuna era buena, pero nunca había sido utilizada en un programa de control donde hay otras variantes”.

Explicitó que “una cosa es tener 10 ovejas en un corral bajo control y vacunarlas y otra cosa es trabajar a campo, en instalaciones deficientes, donde uno tiene que agarrar los animales antes que coman campo, es decir, hay otras variantes”.

Informó que “nosotros empezamos a trabajar en el 2009 a través de un convenio con la Universidad de Melbourne, que es la que nos provee la vacuna, y la verdad es que pensamos que no iba a andar tan bien más allá que el biológico sabíamos que era bueno”.

Como resultado de esta experiencia, destacó que “todos los animales a los que hemos hecho necropsias no tenían quiste y es la primera vez que veo esto después de trabajar 30 años en el campo, porque siempre que uno toma animales viejos, capones u ovejas viejas, se encuentra con un 50 o un 60% de animales con quistes”.

El trabajo de campo se realizó en la zona de Río Chico Abajo, Anecón Grande y Mamuel Choique.

El equipo está liderado por el Dr. Marshall Lightowler de la Universidad de Melbourne, personal de Salud Ambiental de la Provincia de Río Negro encabezado por su coordinador, Gustavo Cantoni, el Instituto Nacional de Microbiología "ANLIS/Carlos Malbrán" representado por la investigadora Katherina Vizcaichicp y las Facultades de Veterinaria de General Pico y de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN) desde su sede en Choele Choel, encabezados por el director del proyecto de investigación, Edmundo Larrieu.

Respecto a su afirmación que Argentina está en condiciones de elaborar esta vacuna creada en Australia, dijo que “ya un laboratorio argentino adquirió la patente y está en condiciones de fabricarla, y como se trata de tecnología de punta, marca que nuestro país ha logrado desarrollos interesantes en cuanto a hacer vacunas de este tipo”.

“Nosotros estamos satisfechos porque hay un instrumento que permite controlar la enfermedad; teníamos pastillas para los perros para controlar la enfermedad y ahora hay otra alternativa exitosa de acuerdo a nuestras pruebas de campo”.

Respecto a la situación de la hidatidosis en Río Negro, recordó que “hace 30 años era una enfermedad grave, era un problema de salud severo, estaba en todos los titulares, 30 días de internación, unos 200 pacientes, pero hoy día casi ni se habla de la enfermedad, bajaron muchísimo los casos, aunque seguimos teniendo algunos. Ha sido exitoso el programa de control y hemos sido pioneros en desarrollar estrategias de búsqueda activa y tratamiento con drogas, el trabajo con médicos generalistas para diagnosticar con ecógrafos portátiles en el campo”.

Researcher, National University of Rio Black (UNRN), Edmundo Larrieu, as very successful field testing in sheep EG95 vaccine, created in Australia, against hydatidosis. It is cut the chain of transmission before the parasite reaches the dog and man. He stressed that "we are the ones who are using the vaccine in the world", because so far only been made laboratory tests, not as part of a control program in the field, "and Argentina is the only country prepared to manufacture ".

Larrieu, director of the research project, said: "The vaccine is called EG95 because it is known since 1995; had been made and that laboratory experiences and learned that the vaccine was good but had never been used in a control program where other variants ".

Specified that "one thing is to have 10 sheep in a pen under control and vaccinate and another thing is field work in substandard facilities, where you have to catch the animals before they eat field, ie, there are other variants".

He said that "we started working in 2009 through an agreement with the University of Melbourne, which is what gives us the vaccine, and the truth is that we would not go so well beyond the biological knew it was good. "

As a result of this experience, he stressed that "all animals that have done autopsies had no cyst and is the first time I see this after working 30 years in the field, because whenever one takes old animals, capons or old sheep it is a 50 or 60% of animals with cysts ".

Fieldwork was conducted in the Rio Chico Abajo, Anecon Large and Mamuel Choique.

The team is led by Dr. Marshall Lightowler, University of Melbourne, personal Environmental Health of the Province of Rio Black headed by its coordinator, Gustavo Cantoni, the National Institute of Microbiology "ANLIS / Carlos Malbrán" represented by Katherina researcher Vizcaichicp and the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine, General Pico and the National University of Rio Black (UNRN) from its headquarters in Choele Choel, headed by the director of the research project, Edmundo Larrieu.

Regarding your statement that Argentina is able to produce this vaccine created in Australia, said that "as an Argentine laboratory acquired the patent and is able to manufacture it, and how is technology, a brand that our country has achieved developments interesting as to make such vaccines. "

"We are pleased that there is an instrument to control the disease; we pills for dogs to control the disease and there is now another successful alternative according to our field tests. "

Regarding the situation of hydatidosis in Black River, recalled that "30 years ago was a serious illness, was a severe health problem, was in all the headlines, 30 days of hospitalization, 200 patients, but today barely speaks of the disease, decreased greatly cases, but still have some. Has been successful control program and have been pioneers in developing strategies for actively seeking and drug treatment, work with GPs to diagnose hand-carried ultrasound in the field ".